GLF Programs - News


News: May 2005

On March 18, 2005 Mike Anson was invited by the CBA, a leading Croatian business school, to present concepts, ideas and give a course on Life Businesses in the Life Economy. 

CBA Interview - Mike Anson

Mike Anson's Speech at CBA

Marc Luyckx, the Dean of CBA, shared his insights on the European Community and the Knowledge Economy.  Links to his lecture and interview can be viewed here:

Marc Luyckx CBA Lecture

Marc Luyckx Interview at CBA

News: January 2005

The fourth GLF session was held in Arosa, Switzerland in conjunction with the World Spirit Forum from January 15-22, 2005.  For further details on the results of the sessions please contact GLF headquarters.

Pictures of some of the sessions may be viewed by clicking on the links below:


GLF and WSF Event Pictures

GLF and WSF Event Pictures 2

GLF and WSF Event Pictures 3

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GLF and WSF Event Pictures 5A

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